I’ve gone to church all my life and consider myself fluent in the languages of English and “Christianese.” My bi-lingual skills are in demand and I have offered my services as a translator to the church. "Christianese" is the language of terms and phrases used in Christianity only comprehensible within the context of a particular Christian sect or denomination. Members of the Evangelical and Pentecostal church clubs generally speak this language more frequently and better than other denominations.
I am delighted I can use my "second" language in our COM church club, but there are those outside our church club who are hesitant to come to a meeting where they don’t know the language, are unfamiliar with the culture and find the customs strange and foreign. Many in our Christian church clubs are not even aware a language barrier exists. We take for granted that our sayings, phrases and Christian cliches can be interpreted with ease, but let’s look at some of these phrases and sayings from a non-member point of view. How would they understand these statements? Here are some common phrases and sayings in the Christianese language with possible interpretations.
We had a wonderful time of communion and fellowship as we broke bread together. What kind of picture would this conjure up for those who weren’t familiar with Christianese? Perhaps this: There were some fellows who had been out to sea so long that their bread got hard. Maybe they talked about it and worked together in order to break the bread into pieces.
Let’s have a word of prayer and petition God to provide a hedge of protection and traveling mercies for our brother and sister in Christ. Why a hedge? How much protection does a hedge even provide? What is a “traveling mercy” anyway? Are you talking about one of those hospital ships that travel to foreign countries and helps those who need an operation?
Remember God intends for us to be salt and light in the world. If God wants to reduce me to a mineral and a source of illumination, I’m staying far away from God. I want to be more than just a shaft of light sprinkled with sodium!
In order to see the hand of God, in our lives, we need to create some “God-space.” What is “God-space” and why see only God’s hand?
It’s a God thing. What does this “thing” look like? Is it bigger than a bread box?
She has a Martha complex. Who is Martha and was she cured?
His biggest problem is he’s a doubting Thomas. Apparently he doesn’t know his true identity and may need counseling.
He’s just a lost sheep, straying from the fold. The owner of the sheep needs to keep the sheep tied up to prevent future problems.
I’ve accepted that it’s my thorn in the flesh. Here’s a word of advice: better get it out before it gets infected.
I covet your prayers. I’m not sure what you mean but that sure sounds selfish!
Our lives would be simpler and more godly if we all lived by the WWJD principle. Why do people like to reduce everything to a list? "Five steps to a happy life." "Seven steps of successful businessmen." What is the WWJD principle and what supports this claim? (FYI: WWJD = "What Would Jesus Do?" This is indeed a pretty good principle!)
Can I get an amen? Sure, just tell me where it is or how I can make it.
What has Jesus laid on your heart? My heart’s in pretty good shape. I don’t have anything laying on it.
You need to be "born again." Ok, don't rush me. When I’m reincarnated, I’d like to come back as a lion.
When we speak "Christianese" to one another in the church, what do we really mean? I found a source that provided translations.
Christianese: "If it be God’s will."
Translation: "I really don’t think God is going to answer this one."
Christianese: "OK, Lord willing."
Translation: "You may think I’ll be there, but I won’t."
Christianese: "That’s not my spiritual gift."
Translation: "Find someone else."
Christianese: "I don’t feel led."
Translation: "You can’t make me!"
Christianese: "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
Translation: "I’m totally clueless."
Christianese: "God is leading me in another direction."
Translation: "I’m breaking up with you."
Christianese: "God really helped me with this test."
Translation: "I didn’t study but I guessed good, so I’m giving God credit in the hope that He helps me again."
Christianese: "She has such a sweet spirit!"
Translation: "What an airhead!"
Christianese: "I feel like God has released me from this."
Translation: "I’m fed up and I quit."
Christianese: "I’ll be praying for you."
Translation: "There’s an outside chance I’ll remember this conversation later today."
Christianese: "Let us pray."
Translation: "I’m going to pretend to talk to God now, but I’m really preaching at you."
Christianese: "You just have to put it in God’s hands."
Translation: "Don’t expect me to help you."
In order to relate to those outside our church, we're going to have to change the way we talk to one another.